Gun Ownership, CCW Permits, and FFLs: A State-by-State Analysis
Gun ownership in the United States remains a central part of many Americans' lives, with millions of citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights. Responsible gun owners are concealed carry permit holders, hunters, and federal firearms license (FFL) holders, etc. and the numbers tell a story of diverse and dynamic engagement with firearms across the country.
Lets break down the data for all 50 states, highlighting concealed carry permits (CCW), hunting licenses, and the number of FFL holders. Whether you're curious about which states have the highest number of gun owners, or how FFLs are distributed, this analysis provides a comprehensive look at the current landscape of firearms in America.
By examining these figures, we can better understand how different regions participate in gun culture and how state-level policies may influence these statistics. Read on to see where your state stands in this fascinating look at the numbers behind America's firearm community.
Gun Ownership by State:
Estimates are typically based on surveys and studies (e.g., Pew Research, RAND Corporation, or Gallup polls). However, there is no centralized national gun registry, so ownership numbers are estimates.
Surveys and studies like those conducted by the Pew Research Center, Gallup, and the RAND Corporation provide national and state-level estimates of gun ownership based on survey data. There is no centralized national gun registry in the U.S., so ownership numbers are approximations.
Other gun policy research institutions, such as the Small Arms Survey, also contribute to gun ownership data.
CCW Holders by State:
Most states report the number of active concealed carry permits. These numbers are available through state law enforcement or similar agencies.
Data on concealed carry permit holders is generally sourced from individual state law enforcement agencies, state departments of justice, or attorney general reports. For example, states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona regularly publish reports on active concealed carry permits.
The Crime Prevention Research Center also publishes data on concealed carry permit numbers, often drawing on official state sources.
Hunters by State:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides state-by-state hunter license data annually.
The data I compiled is an approximation, combining estimates from various reputable sources. The specific categories of data you requested come from the following types of sources:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is the primary source for hunter license data through their National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.
Individual state fish and wildlife agencies also provide licensing data annually.
Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) by State:
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) publishes annual reports on the number of active Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders in each state. These numbers are updated regularly and publicly available on their website.
Data combined into a single chart
The chart with four separate bars for each state (representing gun owners, CCW holders, hunters, and FFL holders)
chart with states listed in order from most to least (based on total numbers)
So, in other words, these represent the number of gun owners who are willing to state that they are gun owners in a survey. Got it...